Costume as Art
About Jwlhyfer
What's New
Costume Con
Arwen Becomes Mortal
Seresina Olivia d'Hiverno
Seresina Inspiration
Seresina Step by Step
Elisabeth Siddal's Posing Gown
16th C. Corset
My Personae
Contact Jwlhyfer
Guest Book
Current Projects
How to Help the Project
Jwlhyfer's Gothic Bohemian Salon
Jwlhyfer's Blog - A Noctuary
Corsets etc..
Recent Artwork
Favorite Drawings
The sheer absurdity of it all! Kira and I collapse into giggles on our way to a photo shoot in London.
Please let me know if you've enjoyed the site and something about yourself and your interest in costuming. I love to meet other costumer's and see their work, so be sure to include your web site if you have one. Thank you for visiting this web site.