About Contacting Jwlhyfer
Comments and questions
I am happy to receive your email comments and questions. There are a few things to keep in mind if you contact me:
1. At the moment, I am taking a break from most of my larger projects. I am dealing with some medical issues and I have very little energy. If you would like to contact me, you may email me at jwlhyferdewinter(at)gmail(dot)com, or look for me on Facebook under my name. Keep in mind that I have trouble with typing and comprehending the screen, so I check email infrequently. I'm trying to get Voice Recognition software so I don't have to type.
2. If you are inspired by the work on these pages, please use the links page to start on your own research. There are a lot more costume resources out there, you might start with the GBACG web site. www.GBACG.org I'm not able to answer your questions directly at the moment.
3. Normally, I check my email infrequently as I am busy with my work! So don't be disheartened if you don't get an answer right away. I may not be able to answer your question, as I get pretty manic and cranky.At the moment of course I am also not feeling well, so it is a lot harder. Please forgive me and use the site and the links to help you answer your questions.
Thank you for visiting these pages. I hope they have served to inspire you.
Jwlhyfer de Winter